Write an assignment about my own reflective journal during my 10 weeks of clinical placement at one of the operating theater.
Write an assignment about my own reflective journal during my 10 weeks of clinical placement at one of the operating theater.
Basically our lecturer wants us to write an assignment about my own reflective journal during my 10 weeks of clinical placement at one of the operating theatre. Based on 5 issues And I have chosen as below in my assignment I have write the introduction and conclusion for this assignment.. now I need your help to write for contents based on the 5 issues chosen You may use Gibbs reflective cycle/ model as to guide you in writing, or not, but I think its better to use, so more organize, but again depends on you. as long as: – you describe a little bit about the issues, – analyse the issues, – what do you learn good or bad about the issues, – what have you learnt / gained from each of the issues.. – make it interesting and attract the attention of the reader and really have a lesson to learnt on your reflection. – Grade A+ quality of writing please. hehehehe AT LEAST 500 WORDS FOR EACH ISSUE = 500 x 5 issues = total of 2500 words I have my cover page already